How well do you understand the world of pensions and financial advice?
However many answers you got right 336 Financial Management believe they can help you understand if you are getting the best advice.
Here’s our assessment of your score:
6-7 correct
You clearly have knowledge of the financial markets but do you know why the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are specifically looking into retirement income and the advice processes used by financial advisers?
You might be interested in talking to us to find out about the long term risks to your income from an unsuitable investment proposition.
4-5 correct
You have some knowledge about pensions but are receiving the support to help guide you through some of the complex decisions around accessing your pension and the most appropriate investment strategy to support a sustainable income throughout retirement.
You might want to get more information about how different approaches can affect taking income from your pension pot and the steps we can help you take to control and minimise risk on an ongoing basis.
1-3 correct
It could be that you are needing some expert advice to help you identify the range of methods and strategies available to you to deliver a regular income that meets your needs over the long term.
You may want to discuss with us how your pension is invested and the investment risks you are taking and how your regular pension income is funded. All of these questions are key to making sure the level of income you are taking will last for as long as you need it.
If you want to understand more about what can affect your pension and what the FCA are checking in relation to pensions advice please click on the button below:
At 336 Financial Management, we have been advising clients on Income Drawdown since 2015 when the Pensions Freedom Act introduced flexibility for people accessing their pension. Our investment strategy that has been developed specifically for clients in retirement has delivered successful results.
But don’t just take our word for it, have a look at our website where you will be able to read statements from clients who have benefited from our ongoing advice.
If you have a portfolio of £500,000 or more we can help you.
Contact us on:
+44 (0)131 225 7521
"I have always appreciated their professionalism and how they have managed my money and look after my future. But the real test of their ability came to the fore last year when I lost my husband. The team stepped in and sorted out my finances and dealt with my husband’s pension provider, who weren’t giving me any information. 336FM made sure I received the widow’s pension I was entitled to. At a time when your world has turned upside down you need to have someone who you can phone and be able to trust them to sort financial matters out for you… that’s what 336FM did for me."